Sample Preparation การเตรียมตัวอย่างทดสอบอาหาร

Sample Preparation


•        For indicator organisms (TC, EC, ETB, YM, and XSA) – Cut out or weigh standardized sample size (e.g 10g or 25g) using sterile knife or scissors. Place in sterile container, then add appropriate volume of sterile diluent (e.g. 90ml or 225ml of Buffered Peptone Water or BPW, Maximum Recovery Diluent or MRD, or 0.1% Peptone Water). Homogenize and dilute accordingly.

•        For pathogens (SL and LS) – Weigh 25g of sample and dilute with 225ml sterile BPW, the homogenize.

•        For pathogen (VP) – Weigh 50g of sample and add 450ml of sterile Butterfield’s Phosphate Buffer (BPB), then homogenize. Use the surface tissues, gills, and gut for fish while for shellfish, use the meat and juice.


Regulatory Limits


Refer to Codex Alimentarius, Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Food Standards.

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